Sunday, September 14, 2008

I have been working on our wedding quilt for over 4 months and I finally made some progress! I got the top of the quilt all pieced together! I still need to sew on the boarder and quilt it but I am just so proud of myself. I had to add a bunch of rows because our bed is so high I needed to cover the mattresses. I now have the challenge of figuring out the design to do the quilting- I wanted to do something decorative but I think with this pattern I have to just follow the lines, what do you think?


Ally said...

I love your quilts!!! I can't wait to see your wedding dress in a quilt.....:) and the blog background website is if you go and look and find something you like, she will tell you step by step instructions. call me if you need more help or can't figure it out.... I love that you are back to blog. It has been a while. :) we do NEED to get together. It is silly we live so close and don't hang out...

Heather said...

I think the lines would look good - but also that random pattern that you do. Either way. I say whatever is easier because both will look good. What the back like?

Hannah said...

You did a great job. I like it better now that it is all together. You must have been bored watching football =)